C-REPS Designation

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Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist

C-REPS Designation

C-REPS is an excellent designation for any real estate agent or broker to have. Not only does the C-REPS designation bring opportunities for more BPO work, the C-REPS designation is also a great avenue for more exposure and marketing to the general public.  C-REPS are marketed to the general public, i.e., people looking for a real estate agent/broker.  Obtaining and maintaining the C-REPS designation sets agents & brokers apart from average real estate agents – “Price is one of the most critical parts of any transaction – buying or selling.  Be sure your real estate agent or broker has the skills and knowledge to accurately determine prices”.

More information about C-REPS


What is a C-REPS

Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist

What is a C-REPS? Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialists (C-REPS) is a member of NABPOP who has passed the BPO Certification Test and meet the criteria to maintain the C-REPS designation.  C-REPS are technically proficient at performing BPOs and contribute the the Body of Knowledge encapsulated in the NABPOP association.

In short, C-REPS are:

  • Technically Proficient at performing BPOs
  • Contribute to the Body of Knowledge encapsulated in the NABPOP Association

In spite of popular assumptions, valuation is not part of real estate licensing requirements; although, valuation is an integral part of real estate.  Typically, the extent of a real estate agents valuation knowledge is performing a CMA – Comparative Market Analysis which is learned after receiving their license (not as a part of the licensing requirement).  Most agents acquire their valuation knowledge and skills by trial and error and/or are taught by someone who acquired their skills and knowledge through trial and error.  C-REPS are formally trained and tested in proper valuation techniques.

Members of NABPOP who are BPO Certified are conferred the designation Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist – C-REPS.  NABPOP provides members with a comprehensive BPO Course which has become the gold standard in the industry.  The BPO Certification Test is a stringent test which was designed to test for true comprehension of the BPO process and not simply good test taking abilities.  The initial failure rate is relatively high, but study materials are provided at the end of each test in order for members to identify their weaknesses and to further their studies in those particular areas.  In short, the BPO Certification Test is not a “gimme” test, NABPOP members who pass the test have demonstrated a true understanding of the BPO.

Extra Real Estate Income

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Income doing BPOs

NABPOP Members can make thousands $$$ per month performing BPOs. Getting started in the BPO industry can be challenging, but it is very rewarding and worth the effort.

Regardless of the direction of the real estate industry, there is always demand for BPOs. There will always be a need for brokers and agents to perform accurate and quality oriented BPOs. Not only are agents who perform BPOs better agents overall, they are earning extra real estate income. Most NABPOP members do BPOs to supplement their real estate income, but there are members who perform BPOs exclusively and can earn up to a 6 figure income.

NABPOP members enjoy a consistent and steady flow of BPO income between real estate deals. A regular Real Estate Professional’s income can be inconsistent at times.  Once established and vetted with a few BPO Companies, NABPOP members earn a consistent and reliable income performing BPOs while they conduct their regular real estate business.

The longer an agent or broker waits to get started in the BPO industry, the more opportunity their competitors have to get in front of them in the industry.

The amount of money a NABPOP member can make is limited only by their dedication and perseverance. (Income results vary depending on competition, market area, and other variables and income can’t be guaranteed)

The BPO industry can be unforgiving to those who don’t know what they are doing. Trial and error doing BPOs will doom your BPO career. Don’t try to get started on your own, learn from the knowledge and experience of other BPO professionals.  NABPOP has the resources to teach you how to do BPOs the right way, the way BPO/REO Companies expect them to be done.

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BPO Accuracy

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BPO Accuracy

BPOs have been used for many years by the lending industry and mortgage servicers.  BPOs have proven to be accurate and reliable.  NABPOP is not claiming BPOs are more accurate than appraisals.  NABPOP is claiming BPOs and appraisals are relatively close in accuracy.  Appraisal organizations often claim BPOs are inaccurate, but BPO accuracy certainly isn’t as bad as appraisal organizations claim them to be.  Based on the continued use of BPOs within the lending industry, we knew that BPOs must be accurate and reliable.  More