Membership with NABPOP


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Becoming a member of NABPOP is the best way to increase BPO business or to get started doing BPOs . Membership in NABPOP includes access to ALL areas listed on the benefits page. 





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Being a member of a professional trade association is the mark of a true real estate professional. Membership in NABPOP displays commitment and dedication to your profession and a designation adds significantly to your credentials as a real estate professional.


Summary of Membership Benefits (at no additional charge):

      • Preferred BPO vendor status with BPO/REO Companies (more BPO revenues $$$)

      • Membership helps support the Political Advocacy of Broker/Agents rights and the BPO industry

      • Directory of BPO & REO Companies (with links, point of contact, and sign up instructions included)

      • BPO Education (the industry standard for BPO education)

      • Receive 6 CE hours for BPO Certification Course completion (in certain states)

      • BPO Education E-book

      • BPO Resources - for higher quality and more efficient BPOs

      • All available downloads

      • Use of NABPOP and C-REPS logos for marketing materials etc.

      • Inclusion in the Directory of BPO Professionals searched by BPO and REO Companies

      • C-REPS Designation (upon earning certification)

      • C-REPS is marketed to the general public as RE and pricing experts (for real estate services)

      • REPS, Real Estate Pricing Specialist Designation (upon joining)

      • Available BPO Orders Bulletin Board

      • BPO Professional E-mail and chat forums

      • More benefits


All benefits are included with the Full Membership at no additional charge (Optional - licensing Continuing Education hours is an additional $15).



As a member, you receive the designation REPS (Real Estate Pricing Specialist) until achieving BPO Certification .  Once BPO certified through NABPOP, you are conferred the designation C-REPS - Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist.

(C-REPS is a Federally recognized Certification Mark)

BPO ahead


Designations available to Full Members:

C-REPS – Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist (upon certification)
REPS – Real Estate Pricing Specialist




NABPOP is a strong advocate of BPOs, the BPO industry, and BPO practitioners. NABPOP tirelessly participates in political actions which protect and advance the BPO industry. Click here for more information about BPO Advocacy. The more BPO practitioners who are members of NABPOP and BPO certified, the stronger our collective political voice becomes. Membership dues support agents rights and the political advocacy of the BPO industry. NABPOP membership directly supports the BPO industry.



Extended Black Friday



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Annual Membership $220


Click here to Join Today Online - Annual Membership (secure server)

Click here to Join Today BY Mailing a check - Annual Membership


(annual renewal $75/year)


Refund Policy




Monthly Membership


Initial sign up fee $135

Dues $9.99/month

(automatic credit card billing required)


Click here to Join Today Online - Monthly Membership (secure server)


(billing cycle begins 1 month after sign up)


Refund Policy



There may be legal stipulations to performing Broker Price Opinions. You must determine the legality of performing BPOs from your state board and employing brokerage.