Benefits and Advantages of NABPOP membership |
Real Estate Professionals, Sales Agents and Brokers, can all reap significant benefits from joining NABPOP. NABPOP members receive BPO specific training and special designation as Broker Price Opinion experts.
As a NABPOP Member, you are provided a list of BPO and REO companies to sign up with (with all contact information), you are provided with the top BPO industry training in the industry, and ongoing sales support so you can hit the ground running.
Certification • Members Designations and Membership Types NABPOP Member Types and Designations: • Full membership gives you everything that is offered with NABPOP. There are two designations with full membership: o REPS - Real Estate Pricing Specialist (non-certified) o C-REPS – Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist (after certification) • Basic Membership o RPN - Registered Pricing Network (certified and non-certified)
The Real Estate industry and the BPO industry are certainly skilled professional industries with the need for certifications. NABPOP Members distinguish themselves and increase their BPO credibility by obtaining a BPO Certification from NABPOP.
NABPOP provides BPO Certification that is recognized in the BPO Industry. NABPOP Certification includes: • BPO Concepts and Principles • BPO Process • Common arithmetic and BPO calculations • Pricing and evaluation Techniques
A passing Certification Test score (at least 80% on the Certification Test) will confer a Certification and the NABPOP Designation: C-REPS - Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist . A passing Certification score is published in the Directory of Members and is used as sorting criteria for searches. Members take control of their own destiny by scoring high on the Certification Test.
Although only one passing certification test is required to certify, members can take as many times as they wish until they are certified and satisfied with their score. Full members receive three free certification tests per month - each additional test above the 3 (per 30 day period) is $5.00 per test.
NABPOP is an accredited Real Estate School and the BPO Certification Course is approved for 6 hours of continuing education credit in certain states. Click here for states that are approved for CE
NABPOP has the most complete education you will find for doing BPOs! If you are new or you've done BPOs for years you will get more BPO jobs by going through NABPOP's education material and taking NABPOP's certification test.
Once you take NABPOP's certification test be sure to print your review page and go back through the education material to study the areas you failed. Don't worry; most people fail the certification test the first time (this is why you are given 6 tests for free to start out with). The review page will help you target the areas you need to improve upon.
Learn the complete BPO process in detail. Become an expert in doing BPOs and evaluating properties. The expertise that Members acquire from the BPO Education section and Certification process greatly enhance a Real Estate Professionals business. The skills and requirements for performing accurate BPOs on a regular basis are the skills and practices that make great Real Estate Professionals.
Performing BPOs without proper training lead to returned BPOs and lost money and time for Real Estate Professionals and BPO Companies. Performing accurate and efficient BPOs with complete education and certification creates a quality professional who is more proficient and timely in their performance; thus saving the BPO Companies time and gaining a higher reputation with their bank alliances.
NABPOP is dedicated to bringing Members the most up to date and complete education opportunities on-line which Full Members can access at any time. The BPO Education Course details every step and process needed to complete accurate and efficient BPOs. The Member’s BPO Education course is all you need for the Certification Test. There are no surprises in the Certification Test if you study and adhere to the course. Rest assured with time tested tips and techniques to make BPO completion as efficient as possible.
Directory of BPO Professionals Members have the option to set up a profile of information that can be searched in any of NABPOP’s Directories. Members can select as large of a service area with no limits to the number of Zip Codes, Cities, and Counties that they choose for their service area. Members also choose the Directory for which they want their information to appear in, from their Member’s profile. A Member's information can be included in any combination of directories - at any time simply by updating their profile. The Directories are geared to be searched by the following groups: • BPO Companies/banks/lending institutions • Members
The Directory sort criterion is designed to allow the Members to take control of their own destiny. The #1 sort criteria are certification status (certified or non-certified) and the certification score – the high scoring certified Members (Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist - C-REPS) are at the top of all the Directory search results. No more begging for BPO jobs, Members take control and prove that they are BPO experts by scoring high on the Certification Test. When a BPO Company (Investor or anyone in the public) is looking for a BPO Professional in a specific area, they search by zip code, city, or county. The Members that choose to be listed in that specific area will pull up in the BPO Company’s (Investor or public) search. The sort order of the results of a search follows: 1. Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist C-REPS sort first followed by Real Estate Pricing Specialist REPS (non-certified Members) then Registered Pricing Network Members RPN i.e. certified first then non-certified then network only Members. If more than one Member pulls up in the REPS un-certified group and/or the RPN group, those groups (only) are further sorted by criteria #4 – Member seniority. If more than one Member pulls up as certified C-REPS, that group is further sorted by;2. Certification score. The highest certification score is at the top descending to the lowest scores. Scoring high on the certification test is the best way that a Member can take control of their own destiny. By becoming a BPO expert and scoring high on the certification test, a Member receives many opportunities for BPO jobs. If there are more than one Member(s) that achieve the same score(s), those groups will further sort by; 3. Certification date. A reverse chronological sort will place the C-REPS with the most recent certification date on top. If more than one Member have the same certification date, that group is further sorted by; 4.Seniority. A chronological sort of NABPOP membership date will place the most senior Members at the top of this list i.e. the sooner a Member joins NABPOP, the higher they will place on this criterion. The sort order for the Directory of Members is designed to provide the most qualified and most current Members of NABPOP to the BPO industry and to others that are interested in finding a Real Estate Professional. The sort order also allows Members to take control of where they end up on the Directory sort orders. There is no buying your way to the top in these Directories.
BPO Companies search the directory on a regular basis in order to assign BPO jobs and to bring on new Certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist C-REPS. BPO Companies are always in need of competent and qualified Real Estate Professionals. The Directory provides the BPO Companies access to the most qualified and current C-REPS; and the top C-REPS are virtually guaranteed a steady flow of BPOs.
Real Estate Investors search the Directory for Real Estate Professionals to help them locate and purchase investment properties. NABPOP is marketing to Real Estate Investors and seeking strategic alliances with Real Estate investment organizations to attract Investor traffic to the Directory for Real Estate Investors. NABPOP markets that a NABPOP Member is a perfect choice to serve Real Estate Investors needs because of the Member’s coverage of their service areas and the their skill at accurately pricing property and property amenities. The Directory presents a Win-Win situation for both our Members and to Real Estate Investors.
General Public. NABPOP markets to the general public, anyone that's looking for a Real Estate Agent or Broker. NABPOP is achieving a strong web presence on the search engines and in various forms of advertising. NABPOP markets the skills and experience of its Members to the General Public.
Members can search for other Members in the Directory.>>Top
BPO Orders Available Bulletin Board BPO Companies post BPO Orders daily that are available on an electronic Bulletin Board that members search regularly. If a BPO Company is in need of a BPO Professional in a specific area the Bulletin Board instantly gives them a large audience of BPO Professionals. Members scan the Bulletin Board for BPO Orders and/or other opportunities.>>Top
Directory of BPO & REO Companies Members can utilize the Directory of BPO & REO Companies in order to sign up for more BPO opportunities. The Directory of BPO Companies has over 50 BPO & REO companies that Members can sign up with.>>Top
The Member’s Resources area is filled with tips and techniques, sources of information, suggested scripts for dealing with property owners, check lists, BPO glossary, appropriate BPO language, rating schemes, and many other resources. NABPOP will continue to add to the resources to bring Members a robust assortment of resources to increase efficiency and professionalism.>>Top
Professional E-mail Forums and Bulletin Boards (chat groups) Members can network with other BPO professionals to share knowledge, experience, tips, techniques, and to communicate. If a Member has a question, finds themselves in a tricky situation, or has an experience that they want to share, they can find support in the forms. Members can also search the archives for previous forum postings and subjects. Members can opt for e-mail delivery and/or view the forums on the Member’s website. The Professional forums are an excellent resource for Members.>>Top
Suggestions NABPOP is very open to the suggestions and feedback from the Members. The power of an association is the harnessing of resources into synergies. NABPOP views the experience and knowledge of the Members as an excellent and vital resource and is very open to receiving feedback and suggestions.
The information that is displayed in the Directory can be updated by the Members at any time. Members can update their contact information, designations (other than NABPOP designations), degrees, and specific comments “about me” (for marketing and selling themselves) for each type of Directory that the Member chooses. >>Top