FAQ from BPO Companies

Is NABPOP a BPO Company?


NABPOP is not a BPO Company in the sense that we distribute BPO orders.  NABPOP will not compete for BPO orders and is not interested in distributing, tracking, and/or submitting BPO orders.  NABPOP's interest is in training BPO Professionals (experienced and new) in the proper price evaluation techniques and procedures and promoting the higher level of competence. NABPOP is an Association of BPO Professionals that are interested in professionalism, education, and self improvement.  


    bpo co cooperation

Is NABPOP going to compete with our BPO Company?


NABPOP is not seeking to compete with any BPO Company.  Although there may be opportunity for revenues, NABPOP feels that this would compromise what the Association is about.  NABPOP is striving to remain a neutral organization in order to advocate the practice of BPOs and serve all companies that distribute BPO orders for the valuation industry.


Our company already has proven vetted BPO vendors, how is a BPO certification better than an experienced and proven BPO vendor?


NABPOP would not suggest to replace a proven BPO vendor with somebody simply because they are certified. Instead, picture your proven vendor that goes a step above and becomes certified i.e. proven + certified. Becoming NABPOP certified is no easy task and the people that are certified have learned proper price evaluation techniques and procedures - even experienced BPO practitioners have learned from the BPO certification process. NABPOP has leveraged the knowledge and skills of BPO practitioners as well as BPO companies in the industry to create and maintain the certification test. Put this in the hands of your proven vendors is taking bpo step aheadyour vendors to the next level of quality and accuracy. NABPOP suggests to give priority to the proven vendors that have become certified. You probably already have proven vendors that are already certified. A recommendation to become certified may convince more of your proven vendors to take the next step in improving their price evaluations.


Your company can also use a NABPOP certification as a gateway for new and unproven vendors. You will know that, at minimum, a certified new vendor knows the techniques and procedures versus a non-certified new vendor that may not know anything about price evaluations.


How can our company incorporate the certification?


Incorporating the BPO Certification Process can be a relatively simple process.  The companies that have successfully implemented the cert program essentially followed these simple steps:

1. Add a field into their database for cert status
2. Assign a value for being certified
3. Send a blast informing their vendors that they may receive preference by being certified (not a requirement)
4. Upload cert status      more info about data services

5. Enjoy higher quality/accurate BPOs


How do we know that the certification test is relevant to our company?


Probably the most sure fire way to determine if the test is relevant, is to review the test yourself or have a subject matter expert from your organization review it.  If you see something you don’t like or disagree with, let us know.  NABPOP openly welcome as much input as possible. BPO Company input is an essential component of NABPOP's BPO Education and Certification program.  


What are some suggestions on how to implement the certification and NABPOP members into our vendor selection criteria?


NABPOP maintains a file of the vendor ID#s that you assign to your vendors.  If you put us in contact with your IT department, we can determine an appropriate format to send you a data file. NABPOP can send data to your system via your vendor#s.


We will also discuss your rating system in order to customize the certification results to your company’s vendor rating system.  Once we have determined the type of data file and the kind of information that you need, we will set up a procedure that will allow for a seamless transfer of information. more info about data services


How can NABPOP help our organization with marketing? 


The fact that your organization uses BPO certified vendors to complete BPOs is an excellent selling point.  NABPOP also has brochures about the certification process that you can give to your clients.  Please contact us if you would like more information about our brochures.  Additionally, NABPOP is contacted occasionally bpo co referralby banks, lenders, investment managers etc… with inquiries and/or seeking quality price evaluations.  NABPOP refers these organizations to BPO Companies that have partnered with NABPOP.  NABPOP’s referral policy is to find a BPO Company that can best meet the needs of the requestor in addition to the amount of NABPOP Certified members the BPO Company has as BPO vendors (the more certified vendors a BPO Company has, the more likely they will get the referral). Contact Us for more information about completing a profile so the staff at NABPOP can make an informed decision about referring your company.