Proven vendors vs. Proven certified vendors

Your proven vendors are vital to your operation and NABPOP would not suggest replacing those vendors with an unproven but certified vendor. At whatever tier you have a vendor ranked, NABPOP suggests giving a priority to the BPO Certified vendors within their respective tiers. NABPOP suggests when comparing proven vendors, to give a priority to the proven vendors that are BPO Certified. When comparing unproven vendors, a BPO Certified vendor should be the obvious choice amongst unproven vendors.


BPO vendors that are NABPOP BPO Certified are trained and tested consistently on the same proven techniques, concepts, and procedures that are technically sound. This will lead to more consistency. Un-Certified vendors have typically learned their skills and techniques in a trial and error process. NABPOP has interacted with enough BPO Professionals to know that there is a wide variety of methods used to arrive at a property price and many of these informal techniques are flawed and suspect.


Giving first priority to a vendor that is certified is probably the most effective win win. If you have to choose between a proven vendor and a proven vendor that is certified, the obvious choice would be the proven AND certified vendor. First, this policy doesn’t commit your organization to a hard stance. If you have no vendors in the area that are certified, you are business as usual. You are only giving first priority to vendors that are certified. If you do have a certified vendor, you win. Your organization wins by getting higher quality and consistent BPO submissions. The more vendors that are certified, the more accurate and consistent, across the board, that your BPO reports will be.


Why wouldn't you want to give work to vendors that go out of their way to improve themselves professionally?